CETA: CEE TA look of Canada as it disappears off in the distance. This treaty has little to do with putting Canadians to work, and less yet to do with the prosperity of thee and me. It aligns us with the European Corporate Bureaucrats, meaning that everything will likely continue to get more expensive, and that control over pharmaceuticals and water will disappear entirely as the NAFTA-Chapter 11-style investor state relations clauses are invoked to override any sort of local control over economic issues. Along with the loss of economic autonomy goes the consequent loss of sovereignty as Canada slides to the bottom of the corporate client chasm. Harper, as usual, is sanguine in his expectations for the results of this agreement, as he is for the China-Canada FIPPA and the TPP, and well he should be as he ensures that the economic cupboard for Canada is entirely bare before he makes an exit for his beloved USA, where he counts on joining the winners’ circle in the economic game with the wealth and status conferred on elder statesmen and economic stooges.
And, no surprise, no one in the usual press sources has much to say about the downstream effects of this abomination, other than to mention changes in cheese quotas and the increased freedom of beef farmers to export into the EU (they don’t seem to have noticed that EU producers are already going down in droves in affluent jurisdictions as poorer Eastern producers undercut labour costs and sidestep inspections. Same old crap as FTA and NAFTA. Have fun, boys and girls.