…is, according to an article linked to the Globular Male front page, the most liveable city in Canada:

A fair city.
I’m reminded of the lyrics I first heard from Joan Baez long ago:
What hills, what hills are those, my love
That rise so fair and high?
Those are the hills of heaven, my love
But not for you and I
And what hills, what hills are those, my love
Those hills so dark and low?
Those are the hills of hell, my love
Where you and I must go.
The price of both rents and real estate ownership, as well as the disconnect between prices and current salary levels are an inhibiting factor in keeping people as far as possible from agglomerations with favourable climate, cultural depth and diversity, and security of life and limb. Victoria is also in the throes of becoming a victim of its own success, a process of Cory Doctorow’s enshittification and the fraying of the fabric of society.